Now Word Use Sentence Examples in Hindi & English
आम हिंदी भाव और दैनिक उपयोग हिंदी वाक अब समेत अभी
The word Now can be used as an Adverb and as a Conjunction. This word helps us to make and understand the meaning as well as the situation of the conversation we do upon. The following types tells about how and where the word NOW is used,
- You use now to refer to the present time, often in contrast to a time in the past or the future.
- If you do something now, you do it immediately.
- You use now in statements which specify the length of time up to the present that something has lasted.
- Some people say 'Now' when they are thinking of what to say next.
- You use now to give a slight emphasis to a request or command.
- You say 'Now' to introduce something which contrasts with what you have just said.
Now is also a pronoun.
Now is the time when we must all live as economically as possible.
You use now or now that to indicate that an event has occurred and as a result something else may or will happen.
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