Adjective Words in Hindi : Hindi Language Through English

pencil exercise-7-2-1

1. Learn new Hindi Words, This exercise contains a group of Hindi words with English meanings.

2. Learn how to say/pronounce the word from the audio given for every word.

3. Hear the audio carefully, and try to find the differences between each word.

4. Finally, its time to take test, try our quiz model given below the exercise.

1. Suddenly

अचानक ( Acaanak )

2. Accurate

सही ( Sahee )

3. All

सब ( Sab )

4. Angry

नाराज ( Naaraz )

5. Annual

वार्षिक ( VaarShik )

6. Costly

कीमत ( Keemat )

7. Bad

खराब ( Kharaab )

8. Beautiful

सुंदर ( Sundar )

9. Better/good

अच्छा ( Acchaa )

10. Big

बड़ा ( BaDaa )

11. Brief

संक्षिप्त ( Sankshipt )

12. Capable

योग्य ( Yogya )

13. Careful

सावधान ( Saavdhaan )

14. Cheap

सस्ता ( Sastaa )

15. Cold

ठंडा ( ThanDaa )

16. Hot

गरम ( Garam )

17. Deep

गहरा ( Gahraa )

18. Dense

गहन ( Gahan )

19. Dishonest

बेईमान ( Beeemaan )

20. Dirty

गंदा ( Gandaa )

21. Dry

सूखा ( Sookhaa )

22. Easy

आसान ( Aasaan )

23. Empty

खाली ( Khaalee )

24. Fat

मोटा ( Motaa )

25. Few

कुछ ( Kutch )

26. Heavy

भारी ( Bhaaree )

27. Honest

ईमानदार ( Eemaandaar )

28. Lazy

सुस्त ( Sust )

29. New

नया ( Nayaa )

30. Old

पुराना ( Puraanaa )

31. Poverty

गरीबी ( Gareebee )

32. Rich

धनी ( Dhanee )

33. Soft

मुलायम ( Mulaayam )

34. Uniform

एक सा ( Ek saa )

35. Wet

गीला ( Geelaa )

36. Sick

बीमार ( Beemaar )

37. Ripe

पका ( Pakaa )

38. Secret

गुप्त ( Gupt )

Quiz Time

Find the English pronunciation of "ईमानदार"?


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