Learn Hindi Fruits Name List in English : Flowers Name Quiz

pencil exercise-5-1-2

1. Learn new Hindi Words, This exercise contains a group of Hindi words with English meanings.

2. Learn how to say/pronounce the word from the audio given for every word.

3. Hear the audio carefully, and try to find the differences between each word.

4. Finally, its time to take test, try our quiz model given below the exercise.

1. Apple

सेब ( Sseb )

2. Pomegranate

अनार ( Anaar )

3. Grapes

अंगूर ( Angoor )

4. Guava

अमरूद ( Amroodh )

5. Fig

अंजीर ( Angeer )

6. Pineapple

अनन्नास ( Anannaas )

7. Plum

अलूचा ( Aloocaa )

8. Peach

आदू ( AaDoo )

9. Myrobalan

आंवला ( Aamvlaa )

10. Mango

आम ( Aam )

11. Rose apple

जामुन ( Jaamoon )

12. Watermelon

तरबूज़ ( Tarbooz )

13. Orange

संतरा/नारंगी ( Santraa/naarangee )

14. Lemon

नींबू ( Neemboo )

15. Papaya

पपीता ( Papeetaa )

16. Jujubee

बेर ( Ber )

17. Wood apple

बेल ( Bel )

18. Banana

केला ( Kelaa )

19. Sapota

चीकू ( Ceekoo )

20. Jackfruit

कटहल ( KaThal )

21. Rose berry

जामून ( Jaamoon )

22. Citron

चकोतरा ( Cakotaraa )

23. White pear

नाशपाती ( Naashpaatee )

24. Custard apple

सीता फल ( Sseethaa phal )

25. Orange

मौसाम्बी ( Maussaambee )

26. Strawberry

स्ट्राबेरी ( Sstraaberee )

Quiz Time

Find the English pronunciation of "जामून"?


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