Hindi Combination of vowels and consonant letters (ड - da) Letter Writing Method Video, Pronunciation and Example Words
How to write Hindi Alphabet
ड - da (Combination of vowels and consonant letters)

How to Speak Hindi Alphabet
(ड - da)
HINDI ALPHABET (Combination of vowels and consonant letters) AND EXAMPLE WORDS
अंडकोष (scrotum) |
अंडरवियर (underwear) |
अलेक्जेंडर (alexander) |
अल्ट्रासाउंड (ultrasound) |
आकलैंड (auckland) |
Formation of (ड) consonant letter with definition and examples.
(ड) combinational letter is formed by combining with the 1st vowel (अ). Combinational letters are formed by combining a vowel and a consonant. There are totally 13 Vowels (अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ, ऋ, ए, ऐ, ओ, औ, अं, अः), while combining them each Vowels are converted into symbols in Hindi terms called Matras. Matras are -, ा, ि, ी, ु, ू, ृ, े, ैै, ो, ौ, ं, ः. These matras are mainly classified into 5 types by its position of adding them,
- No symbol added, (-)
- Adding after the consonant form,(ा, ी, ो, ौ, ः)
- Adding before the consonant form, (ि)
- Adding below the consonant form, (ु , ू , ृ) and
- Adding on the consonant form. (े, ैै, ं)
In this (ड) combinational letter, No symbol is added to the consonant forms of letter to denote the union of different vowels with consonants.
ड् + अ = ड
No symbol added to this consonant.
You can find the same symbol / matra (-) which is not added to other consonants in 1st consonant of every series of combinational letters.
Some more E.g. letters with the same matra,
क | ख | ग | घ | ङ | च | छ |
ज | झ | ञ | ट | ठ | ड | ढ |
ण | त | थ | द | ध | न | प |
फ | ब | भ | म | य | र | ल |
व | श | ष | स | ह | क्ष | त्र |
श्र | ज्ञ |
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